Medical Considerations

Medical consideration when travelling to South Africa.

Kemp African Safaris is not able to provide you with professional medical advice.

It is recommended that you consult with your personal physician who can offer professional medical advice and prescribe any needed medication. Your personal physician can also advise you regarding health regulations and immunization requirements prior to your departure.

We suggest that you take the following into consideration:



If you are traveling to the north-eastern part of South Africa, including the lowveld near the Kruger National Park, or to any destination in Botswana or Zimbabwe, it is sensible to discuss anti-malaria prophylactics with your doctor.




Dust and pollen encountered in the various hunting areas may aggravate any allergies you might have. It is recommended that you consult your physician regarding precautions which can be taken in this regard. A good nasal spray can assist with the effects of dust, pollen and dry air. Remember to communicate any food allergies so that the hunting camps’ staff are duly prepared.




Please inform us of any medical conditions that you might have.
When you travel with prescription medication, we suggest that you bring along your prescription as well as the original containers in which you received your medication. South Africa is generally less strict regarding controlled medications, but it’s nevertheless prudent to arrive prepared. Another suggestion is that you carry an extra prescription for in case of emergencies.




South Africa has world-class medical facilities and doctors.
Kemp African Safaris does not offer medical or travel insurance.
We recommend that you ensure that this is arranged prior to your travels in the unlikely event of a medical emergency.

Global Rescue is the premier provider of medical, security advisory and evacuation services worldwide. The life-saving value of these services can’t be overstated. If you become ill or injured while travelling and require inpatient hospitalization, Global Rescue will come get you, by any means necessary and evacuate you to your home country hospital of choice. Their field rescue teams deploy worldwide to the most remote regions, regularly saving lives.




All Kemp African Safaris personnel are trained first aiders with access to first aid kits to react quickly in the unlikely event of an emergency.




Sleeping pills are recommended, with time zone changes and jet lag your body can require a few days in Africa to adjust. Taking Probiotics before and during your Safari can assist with travel related digestion issues.

Additional  Information

We offer some information which we consider essential to planning your safari.

Terms and Conditions


Hunting Prices
